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  • Teens Club
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  • Germany
  • Adults Club
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  • TYT - AYT - YDT
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  • Turkish
  • Others
  • Exam Preparation


    IELTS stands for "International English Language Testing System" and is a globally recognized test that measures English language proficiency. This test is especially important for individuals who want to study or work abroad.


    The IELTS test is an important part of visa applications, especially for those who want to study or work in English-speaking countries. It is accepted in countries such as Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA, as well as most European countries.


    About the Test and Preparation Process

    The IELTS test consists of four parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each one measures different language skills.

    The test is usually organized several times a month. The applicant can choose the day of the test according to their convenience. Computer-based and face-to-face options are available.


    IQ Plus Language Academy first determines the level of the student. For English for Examination English training, the student must have at least B1 level of English. If the level is lower than B1, the student is first directed to General English training.


    The goal of the student whose level is determined is clarified. The target can be a school, a country or a score. A target-oriented program is prepared and the student starts to improve his/her four skills. Weaknesses are identified and these areas are focused on. Listening and Writing are taught by Turkish teachers who are experts in IELTS, while Reading and Speaking are taught by native (British, American, Canadian) teachers. There is an anti-memorization training, the information given is supported by "TIPS & TRICKS" and leaves a lasting impression on the student.


    The process usually takes several months, during which the student is expected to adapt to the intensive study regimen. The exam application is made under the supervision of the counselor and the student is given guidance support to prevent possible anxiety during the exam. In order to overcome the "Speaking" part of the exam, which is the biggest cause of anxiety for many people, the student is given the right to participate in a free Speaking Club every week.


    After a few months of brisk pace, the student reaches his/her goal with the help of IQ Plus Language Academy, the address of IELTS in Izmir.